Bologna: Bir turizm santrali olarak

Gitmek için Yapılacak En İyi Şey ve Konumlar, İtalya genellikle dünya çapında gezginler için endişe ülkelerinin listelenmesidir. Roma, Venedik, Milano, Floransa ve Napoli, turistlerin ileriye baktığı şehirlerden birkaçı. O zamanlar Bologna var.

Bologna yerliler arasında yaygın olarak bilinebilir, ancak yabancılar tarafından sıklıkla göz ardı edilir. Emilia-Romagna bölgesinin finansmanı, keşfedilmeyi bekleyen birçok gastronomik harikası olan ünlü bir gıda hedefidir. Eski Romalıların yanı sıra Etrüsklerin zamanına kadar uzanan bir tarihi var. Tarihi Merkez, yüzyıllarca süren kulelerin yanı sıra kiliseler, katlı bir geçmişin kalıntılarıdır. Şehir aynı şekilde Avrupa’nın en eski üniversitesi olan Bologna Üniversitesi’ne de ev sahipliği yapıyor.

Bologna, zengin kültürü, lezzetli yemekleri ve uzun tarihinden beri kontrol etmek için büyüleyici bir yerdir. Bologna’ya gitmek istiyorsanız, burada güzergahınız için düşünmeniz gereken bazı etkinliklerin yanı sıra turistik alanlar da var.

Bu kılavuzda ne kapsıyor?

1. Eski Kentin Ücretsiz Yürüyüş Turu
2. Piazza Maggiore
3. San Petronio Bazilikası
4. San Petronio’nun Terresi
5. İki Kule
6. Portico di San Luca
7. Santuario di Madonna di San Luca
8. Bologna Archiginnasio
9. Piazza Santo Stefano
10. Ragú Bolognese Eat
11. Tortellini, tortelloni, tortelacci yiyin
12. Mortadella Bologna yiyin
13. Quadrilatero’daki eski pazar
14. Torre Prendiparte
15. Bologna Ulusal Sanat Galerisi
16. Arkeoloji Müzesi
17. Santa Maria Della Vita Kilisesi
18.Museo d’Arte Modernna di Bologna (Mambo)
19. Ustica’nın Anısına Müze
20. Parco della Montagnola
Örnek bologna güzergahı
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YouTube hakkında daha fazla ipucu ⬇️⬇️r musun yayınlar:

1. Eski Kentin Ücretsiz Yürüyüş Turu

Eski Bologna kasabası cazibe dolu. İçeri girdiğinizde, bir çağa daha taşınırsınız. Onarım çalışmalarının farklı özelliklerindeki 12 kapısı portallara farklı bir zamana benziyor. Eski şehre doğru ulaşmak için bu kapıların herhangi bir türüne girebilirsiniz. İtalya’daki birçok yerde olduğu gibi, muhteşem Terra Cotta binalarıyla karışan asırlık kiliseler keşfedeceksiniz.

Bütçe planı bir sorunsa, ücretsiz bir yürüyüş turuna katılabilirsiniz. Katıldığımız tur, bu iş tarafından yürütüldü ve sizi aşağıdakiler de dahil olmak üzere eski şehrin etrafındaki kilit alanlara götürecek:

İki kule

Piazza Maggiore

Basilica di San Petronio

Bazilika Santo Stefano

Archiginnasio (anatomik sinema salonu ve kütüphane)

Yahudi gettosu

Bir tur rehberli, tüm zaman boyunca sizinle birlikte olacak, durakları açıklayacak ve yol boyunca içgörüler sağlayacak. Ancak durumda farkında değilsiniz: Ücretsiz yürüyüş turları tam olarak ücretsiz değildir. Teoride ücretsizdir, ancak sonunda bir ipucu vermeniz beklenir, bu da rehberlerin biraz para kazanabileceği tek yöntemdir.

Program: Cumartesi/Pazar 11:00
Toplantı Noktası: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana (iki kuleden biri olan Asinelli’nin tabanında)
Süre: 2 saat

2. Piazza Maggiore

Piazza Maggiore, eski şehirde merkezi bir meydandır; Güzellik ve güzellik dolu. Meydan 1200’lere dayanıyor, ancak ‘Piazza Maggiore’ adı sadece 1945’te resmi oldu.

Meydandaki bazı ilgi hızı yerleri arasında Palazzo Dei Banchi, San Petronio Bazilikası ve sadece bazılarını isimlendirmek için Palazzo d’Accursio yer alıyor. Bitişik meydanda, 16. yüzyılda geliştirilen sivil bir tavırcı anıt olan Neptune (Fontana di Nettuno) çeşmesidir.

Adres: Piazza Maggiore, 40124 Bologna Bo, İtalya
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
En yakın otobüs durağı: Piazza Maggiore Stop (otobüs A, C, 29 veya T2)

3. San Petronio Bazilikası

Basilica di San Petronio’nun binası, 14. yüzyılda başladı ve bu gün kadar tamamlanmamış cepheler hariç, 15. yüzyılda tamamlandı. Bologna’nın müşteri Saint’ten sonra ve Piazza Maggiore’de bulunan bu Gotik tarzı kilise, şehrin önemli bir dönüm noktası hakkında düşünülüyor. Bazilikada aynı şekilde eski bir güneş saati ve bir müze bulunur. It likewise homes some relics as well as 22 chapels.

Address Piazza Galvani, 5, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Train Station: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2)
Opening Hours: 7:45 AM – 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Daily)
Entrance Fee: FREE; €2 (Taking pictures inside)

4. San Petronio’s Terrace

Located at the back of the big Basilica of San Petronio, dealing with Piazza Galvani, Terrazza di San Petronio is one more draw of the church. This serves as a view deck for those who want to get one more point of view of the city as well as the surrounding structures. There’s a lift that will take you up the deck for €3.

Address Piazza Galvani, 5, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Train Station: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Galvani stop (Bus A or 29) / Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2)
Opening Hours: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Monday – Thursday); 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Friday – Sunday)
Giriş ücreti: 3 €

5. İki Kule

These two-centuries-old towers are iconic landmarks of Bologna. There were many towers developed during the medieval ages, however many collapsed or were demolished. Le Due Torri are just some that are still standing. The building of these structures sometimes takes as much as a decade to finish. The utilize of these varies from prisons to homes to shops. The two famous towers are Torre degli Asinelli as well as the shorter Garisenda Tower. These structures date back to the 1100s as well as are a sign of the city. You can further check out Asinelli Tower by climbing to the top.

Address: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Di Porta Ravegnana stop (T1 or T2 buses) / Rizzoli stop (Bus 11, 13, 14 or 30)
Opening Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Daily) The entrance is arranged every 30 minutes.
Entrance Fee: €5 (Adult); €3 (Reduced)

6. Portico di San Luca

One of the aspects that provide Bologna its defining characteristics is the existence of porticoes. as well as it’s not surprising that the longest network in the world is discovered here. Portico di San Luca links the city center to Bologna’s religious as well as cultural landmark, Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca. via Saragozza satisfies via Portico di San Luca at Arco Del Meloncello, the usual jump-off point for those who want to experience it on foot. Portico di San Luca stretches almost 4km as well as features over 600 porticoes.

Address: via di San Luca, 36, 40135 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Bus Stop: Meloncello stop (Bus 20, 58,94, 671, 672, 686, 706, 826, or 856) / Bivio San Luca (Bus 20) / Basilica di San Luca (Bus 58)

7. Santuario di Madonna di San Luca

Perched atop the 300m Colle della Guardia hill, this 18th-century Santuario di Madonna di San Luca is a famous pilgrimage site as well as tourist destination in Bologna. It is found just southwest of the old town with Porta Saragozza as the nearest gateway. devoted to the Virgin Mary, an annual religious procession happens, starting at Basilica di San Petronio all the method as much as the Santuario di Madonna di San Luca, covering the Portico di San Luca. The dome’s observation deck is likewise a fantastic area to get a panoramic view of the city. San Luca reveal tourist train shuttles tourists from Piazza Maggiore to the basilica. The fare for a roundtrip ticket is €10.

Address: via di San Luca, 36, 40135 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Bus Stop: Meloncello stop (Bus 20, 58,94, 671, 672, 686, 706, 826, or 856) / Bivio San Luca (Bus 20) / Basilica di San Luca (Bus 58)
Opening Hours: 7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Monday – Saturday); 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Sunday)
Entrance Fee: FREE; €5 (Observation Deck)

8. Bologna Archiginnasio

Founded in 1088, the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna is the oldest university in Europe. Today, its headquarter is the Palazzo Poggi. however for over two centuries since 1563, the primary university building was the Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio.

One of the Archiginnasio’s spaces is Teatro Anatomico (Anatomical movie theater as well as Library), where public body dissections took location for university lessons. At times, the dissections were likewise done while Inquisition priests watched. You’ll discover tiered wooden seats as well as a table with a marble top, surrounded by elaborate walls as well as ceilings. It is likewise within walking distance from Piazza Maggiore.

Address: Piazza Galvani, 1, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Farini stop (Bus 11, 29, 30, or 39) / Piazza Galvani stop (Bus 29, A, or C)
Opening Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Monday – Friday); 10 AM – 7:00 PM (Saturday); 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Sunday/Holidays)
Entrance Fee: FREE; €3 (Anatomical movie theater as well as the Lecture Hall)

9. Piazza Santo Stefano

The plaza is a triangular-shaped one that is named after the Basilica di Santo Stefano, which is found in that area. likewise called the seven Churches Square, it is understood for the historical structures surrounding it aside from the Basilica di Santo Stefano.

Some of these are Palazzo Isolani, Palazzo Bolognini Amorini Salina, as well as Casa Berti. The plaza is a preferred location for concerts, cultural events, as well as fair trades. From Piazza Minghetti bus stop, walk along via Farini towards via Santo Stefano. From Strada Maggiore bus stop, walk towards via Gerusalemme up until you reach via Santo Stefano.

Address: via Santo Stefano, 40125 Bologna BO, Italy
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Minghetti stop (Bus 11, 13, or T1) / Strada Maggiore stop (Bus 14, 19, 25, 27, or 62)

10. Ragú Bolognese Eat

Ragú Bolognese is a signature meal of Bologna that is usually paired with flat, wide pasta, especially tagliatelle.

The traditional Ragú Bolognese is slowly cooked utilizing a range of components like meat (pork and/or beef), onion, celery, carrots, tomatoes, milk, as well as white wine. The sauce is seldom paired with spaghetti, which is typical outside Bologna.

11. Tortellini, tortelloni, tortelacci yiyin

Is this some type of a tongue twister? Well, it’s not. Haha.

Tortellini is a round-shaped pasta, likewise called belly-button pasta, as well as resembles a dumpling. It is usually stuffed with meat as well as cheese. Tortellini en brodo is a pasta meal that you should try while in Bologna. It’s basically tortellini in a broth or soup.

Tortelloni bears the exact same shape however bigger in size as well as is frequently stuffed with leafy vegetables as well as cheese. Tortelacci is likewise a stuffed pasta that is much bigger than tortelloni.


12. Mortadella Bologna yiyin

Mortadella is like a sausage on steroids. This type of sausage is HUGE. It’s made from finely ground pork with incorporated fats that make it appear marbled. This savory heat-cured sausage is usually seasoned with myrtle berries.

There are many versions of mortadella however the commonly prominent is the Mortadella Bologna.

13. Quadrilatero’daki eski pazar

Qudrilatero is strategically found at the heart of Old town Bologna. It dates back to medieval times, making it the oldest food market of Bologna. The narrow streets of the old market, lined with shops as well as restaurants, are similar to the old times. a few of the landmarks near Quadrilatero are Piazza Maggiore, two Towers, Basilica di San Petronio, as well as Teatro Anatomico to name a few. It is bordered by via dell’Archiginnasio, via Farini, via Castiglione, as well as via Rizzoli.

En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2) / Piazza Galvani stop (Bus 29, A, or C) / Piazza Minghetti stop (Bus 11, 13, 90, or 96) / Rizzoli stop (Bus 11, 13, 14 or 30)

14. Torre Prendiparte

Also called Torre Coronata, this 60m-high 12th-century tower utilized to be a defense tower. It is located in the old town as well as is one of the well-preserved historical structures in Bologna. It likewise ended up being a seminary and, later on, a prison for those who dedicated crimes against the church as well as the religion.

At present, all 12 floors are accessible as well as a parapet serves as a viewing deck for those who want to get a panoramic view of the city as well as the close-by landscapes. It likewise functions as an events venue.

Address: 40126 Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Indipendenza stop (Bus 11, 27, 62, A, or F); From here, you can walk towards via del Monte. When you reach the end, turn right to via Carbonara. You’ll area the tower when you reach the end of the street as well as turn left.
Opening Hours: observation Deck 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Monday – Saturday); closed (Sunday)
Entrance Fee: €5 (Prendiparte Tower sky observation Deck)

15. Bologna Ulusal Sanat Galerisi

If you like or understand something about paintings, a stop at Pinacoteca Nazionale is a possible addition to your itinerary. It has a collection of different Emilian paintings over the centuries (13th to 18th). It’s found in the university district, northeast of the city center.

Address: via delle Belle Arti, 56, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Porta San Donato stop (Bus 20, 25, 27, 28, 36, 37, 61, 89, etc). You can walk to the gallery from here.
Opening Hours: 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM (Tuesday – Sunday); closed (Monday)
Entrance Fee: €5 (Adult); €2 (Reduced)

16. Arkeoloji Müzesi

Located near Piazza Maggiore along via dell’Archiginnasio as well as just across Basilica di San Petronio, Museo Civico Archeologico cradles important archaeological artifacts unearthed in as well as around Bologna that tell the regional origin from prehistoric to Etruscan to the Roman period.

It likewise homes considerable Egyptian relic collection. The museum, inside the 15th-century Palazzo Galvani, was opened to the public in September 1881.

Address: Galleria Cavour, via dell’Archiginnasio, 2, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
En yakın tren istasyonu: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2) / Piazza Galvani stop (Bus A or 29)
Opening Hours: 10:00 A

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